It’s time for another ICA meat order! Some of you may not know that we have a good relationship with a small family run farm in rural Lancaster called Rineer Family Farms. Three to five times a year we place an order through Daryl (the farmer) for beef, chicken and pork. Usually 2 weeks to a month later, it is delivered to the gym packaged and frozen. The delay is because when we order the meat, the animals are still walking around a field living it up. This means we get fresh high quality meat at prices typically lower than equivalent meat bought at the grocery store. In addition to that we get to support a small farmer doing what he loves!
Beef: 1/8th cow is about 50# with about half ground beef, half steaks/roasts etc = $475
Pork: 1/2 hog is about 60# with sausage, hams, ground pork, loins and bacon = $395
Chicken: about 40# of chicken with a few whole chickens, some breasts, wings, thighs and usually a smoked chicken (delicious) = $215
If you are interested, you can fill out your info here. Please have your order in by Friday, August 16 at 8:00 pm.