Complete 5 rounds for max reps of:
- 20s hang power clean (115/75#)
- 40s rest
- 20s of weighted pull ups (50/30#)
- 40s rest
- 20s of burpees
- 40s rest
WOD Notes: Each 20 second interval needs to be a full sprint! For the pull ups, pick a version that allows you to complete at least 5-8 reps in the first round.
Community Notes: Power yoga with Jana at 11:15am! Guests are welcome; preregistration is appreciated.
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John 163 (2 rds 35# PU, 3 rds unweighted)
Nik 165 (2 rds 20# PU, 3 rds unweighted)
Smith 56, 25 (vest), 32
Christine π
Dave 71, 33 (bodyweight), 46 (burpee over bar)
Jen C. π
Jim 43, 41 (ring row), 28
Marissa 44 (55), 40 (mm/P), π (2xSU)
Mike D. 45 (115), 18 (40), 52
Nikki 46, 45 (2xmm), 38 (burpee over bar)
Saritha π
Sydney π
Tim π (105, 20#, burpee over bar)
Tina π
Zoo π
Sikora π
Julie π
Vollmer – Vollmer-cise
Shawn 106, 35#
Quinn π
Brianna :-), 24, 41
Chris π
Dan T. 35 (95), 39 (25#), 35
DE 50, 26, 56 (135, 50)
Jesse 45 (55), 23, 36
Julia π