**UPDATE: Due to demand, we’ve added an 8:30am class to today’s schedule.

Complete 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
- KB swings (53/35#)
- Box jumps (24/20″)
WOD Notes: If you have family coming into town, this workout is beginner friendly (Thursday’s, no so much). Give us a heads up if you plan to bring a guest!
This Post Has 6 Comments
Heather 9:57 (53#, 24′, Rx+)
Tanya 9:07 Rx+ (53, 24”)
Nikki K. 8:45 (44R, 16 step)
Erin 8:45 Rx+ (53 UB, 24”)
PTB 9:25 Rx
Emily 10:40 (35, 16”)
Tim 9:50 Rx
Sofia 9:55 (26)
Mel 10:25 (26KBDL, steps)
Chris 8:49 (25, step)
Paul M. 9:08 (26R, 16” dynamic)
Dave C. 10:32 (35, 20”)
Erik 9:30 (16”)
Julie 9:45 (15# overhead steps)
Ian C. 😉
8:01 RX
Dom 9:14 (26)
Averie 10:25 (26, step)
Blythe 9:50 (16″, 25)
Dan R 9:10 Rx
Jeff 8:05 (step)
Rob R 9:54 (20, 16″)
Tobin 7:55 Rx
Traci 10:07 (20, 10″)
Sean 🙂
Yuvika 8:42 (16″, R)
Swetha 11:32 (23, step)
Francis 10:21 (35)
Bob K 10:11 Rx
Vaibhav 🙂 (35, 16″)
Jeanna 9:23 Rx+
Kevin 8:53Rx
Sarah 9:33 26#
Alex 8:41 62# RKBS
Cindy 🙂
Elissa 6:40 Rx
Craig 🙂
Liz 10:40 Rx
Eric 11:10 70# step-ups
Kevin K 9:54 Russian Rx
Kirsten 10:46 12″ box
Kyle 🙂
MeganS 11:24 Rx
Melissa 9:09 35#, 29″
Ryan S. 9:58 35#, 20″
Ray 🙂
Sean B 11:07 70#
Shawn C. 7:50 53# Russian
Julia 🙂
Nate 🙂
Steven K 8:02 Rx