One board bench press 1-1-1-1-1-1
alternating tabata (4 rounds of each):
- ring rows
- strict toes to bar
WOD Notes: A one board bench press means you will be benching with a 2×4 on your chest. It limits the range of motion by the thickness of the board (about 1.5″). This allows you to lift more weight than you typically could which gets your nervous system used to handling heavier loads. It is also a nice sub for anyone with shoulder issues who have naturally limited ranges of motion.
Schedule Notes: The ICA powerlifting meet is going to be held on Jan 23. Mark your calendars and get ready to pick up some heavy weight!
This Post Has 15 Comments
coincidence that that’s my birthday….hmmm
Happy birthday Arch nemesis!
Maybe I’ll see you at the 6 or 7.
Not tomorrow…the power meet day
Who is this McGonigal person? Is he even a member?
Will there be weight/age classes? How will this thing be set up? Details John. Details.
I’m going to ignore Rick’s attack. That said…I do agree on his details comment.
Weight classes?
Deadlift – is sumo an option?
Bench – pause on the chest?
I feel my membership question is perfectly legit. And why does your picture come up with all your posts? And who the hell are you anyway? Also, will there be a drug test? Pugh was wondering, not sure what that guy has been up to???
Regardless of age or weight divisions, I’d like to move up to Rick’s division. I’m also ok with him using PEDs or even a partner on the lifts. It will be more competitive that way.
Rick – that coefficient bullshit does not look too promising to a guy like you who has taken the last few months off to hang out at the corner bar. You may not want to show up that day, unless you are going to heckle.
Dear ICA Admin, please add into the rules and instructions how to get a memebership. Seems lie this will be an important part of what Joe will need. I will also like an honest third party there to judge this McGonigal character. Word around the YMCA is he is a non-chest toucher. #halfrepper
This is fantastic. No weight divisions. Athletes will be scored according to the Wilks coefficient. Basically a multiplier of your total weight lifted that is inversely proportional to your mass.
Sumo is allowed, obviously no hitching.
There will be a pause on the chest for the bench.
Squat must be below parallel, wait for the up call.
Forgot to mention…. Tie-breaker is a pose down. BYO tanning spray.
You can find the Wilks coefficients for men here:
Dave 295
Dan S. 185 (PR!)
James 275
Jess M 75
Tyson 135
Jenn 125
Murray 230
Faith 75
Missy 80
Ben 175
Janna 265
Erik 165
John 315
Devlin 205
Danielle 90
Jill 80
Will 195
Mike C. 255
Fili 305
Lindsay 50 reg bench
Kelly D. 77 reg bench
Dennis 205
Smith 185
Tanya 135
Ed 215
Vince ?
Tyler 165
Pugh 265
John M. 220
Brian 275
Robbie 235
Sigal 235
Scott 10
Kelly K. 95
Brittany 85
Janine 90
Chase 65
PJ 265
Steve 205
Tim 🙂
Erin 110
Jen T. 130
Chris 110
Daria 🙂
Mel 95
Elissa 105
Wuerth 🙂
Dani 100
Lombardi 105
MB 85