Daily WOD – May 31, 2016

Complete (not for time):

  • 25 Russian twists (45/25#)
  • 25 strict toes to bar
  • 25 tuck ups (aka lemon squeezers)
  • 25 overhead walking lunges (45/25#)
  • 25 sit ups
  • 25 Turkish get ups (35/20#)
  • 25 toe touches
  • 25 wallballs (40/30# to 10/8′)

WOD Notes:  Todays workout is a core buster.  It is not for time to ensure you make the movements perfect.  Come on in and sweat out the weekend or just get moving again after Murph!

Schedule Notes:  PT Jon Herting will be holding hours at ICA this Saturday, June 4th from 7:30 to 10:30 am.  He has worked wonders with ICAers in the past and can give some pretty good insights into improving your movements and getting rid of pain.  He does accept insurance and you can make an appointment with him by calling 484-800-8186.

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Coach Kehl!


This Post Has 47 Comments

  1. Nikki k

    Happy birthday Mark!

    1. Kehl

      Thank You! It’s a great day!

  2. Natalie

    Happy Birthday Kehl!! 🙂

    1. Kehl

      Thank You! It’s been a great day so far!

  3. Adam S

    Happy Birthday Mark

    1. Kehl

      Thank You! It’s been a great day so far!

  4. Erik

    Happy Birthday Mark.

    1. Kehl

      Thank You! It’s been a great day so far!

  5. Lindsey

    Happy Birthday Kehl!!! 🙂

    1. Kehl

      Thank You Lindsey! It’s been a great day so far!

  6. Daria

    Happy birthday!

    1. Kehl

      Thank You! It’s been a great day so far!

  7. Chris S

    Happy birthday Mark!

    1. Kehl

      Thank You Chris! It’s been a great day so far!

  8. Stuart

    Happy birthday Mark!

    1. Kehl

      Thank You Stu! It’s been a great day so far!

  9. Patrick

    Happy Birthday Coach

    1. Kehl

      Thank You Patrick! It’s been a great day so far!

  10. Brittany

    Happy birthday mark!! I hope you have a great day!

    1. Kehl

      Thank You Brittany! It’s been a great day so far!

  11. Dave

    HBD, Dude.

    1. Kehl

      Thank You Coach! It’s been a great day so far!

    1. Kehl

      Thank You Erin! It’s been a great day so far!

  12. Kelly D.

    Happy birthday kehl!!

    1. Kehl

      Thank You Kelly! It’s been a great day so far!

  13. Kerri

    Hope you have a spectacular Birthday Mark!!

    1. Kehl

      Thank You Kerri! It’s been a great day so far!

  14. Tim C

    Happy Birthday Mark!

    1. Kehl

      Thank You Tim! It’s been a great day so far!

  15. Tom S

    Happy Birthday Coach!

    1. Kehl

      Thank You Tom! It’s been a great day so far!

  16. Eddie P

    Happy Birthday, Kehl!!

    1. Kehl

      Thank You Eddie P! It’s been a great day so far!

  17. Laurie

    I’m sooo glad you’re having a great day so far. Happy birthday! And may the great day continue!!

    1. Kehl

      Thank you Laurie! It was a great day and night! Happy birthday boy indeed!

  18. Ashley Babbage

    Happy Birthday my fellow Gemini!

    1. Kehl

      Thank you Ashley! It was a good day! Thankfully the good twin was out today.

  19. Phil

    Happy birthday Kehl. have a great afternoon/evening bud

    1. Mel

      Happy birthday!!

      1. Kehl

        Thank you Phil! It was a great afternoon/evening!

        Mel, you posed a problem because I don’t know how to reply to yours without also showing up under Phil’s and your post. Either way, Thank you Mel. It was a great day!

  20. Rick

    Happy birthday Kehl. I hope you’ve had a great day so far.

    1. Kehl

      Thank you Rick. It was a great day when you posted and even into the evening.

  21. Kerri

    Hey Mark! I actually celebrate Birthday weeks…so, hope the rest of your week is as great as today!!

    1. Kehl

      Thank you Kerri! It was a great birthday and I think it’ll be a great week!

  22. Tav

    Kehl, happy belated! I wonder if you had a great day yesterday?

    1. Kehl

      Thank you Tav! It was a wonderful day filled with love and laughter.

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