Daily WOD – Mar 25, 2023

Karen’s wowed by John’s mad photography skills.

Workout of the Day

Complete 25-20-15-10-5:

  • Power snatches (95/63#)
  • Toes to bar

Time cap: 20 minutes

WOD Notes: This is one of those workouts that looks easier on paper… Pick a weight that allows you to string sets of 5 even when tired. BE KIND TO OUR PLATES – Please do not load 10# plates on a 33# or 45# barbell. Use a 15# aluminum barbell for anything less than 63#. Thank you!

ICA Movie Night Notes:  BYO dinner, drinks and folding chairs and join us for a Saturday evening at ICA! We’ll be setting up our projector and watching the 2021 Games documentary… guaranteed to inspire and get you jacked up for the 2023 Games!

All members of the ICA community are invited as well as kids, spouses, friends, etc.
We’ll order up some pizzas and have some other snacks as well.

Community Notes: Happy birthday Erin B!


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