Daily WOD – Jun 2, 2018

Deficit Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3 (-2″)


5 x 8 weighted step ups each leg (20/16″)

WOD Notes:  To create a 2″ deficit, you will stand on top of a 25# plate.  If you are not very comfortable in your deadlift start, do not go from a deficit as for most people this makes the lift more challenging.  The step ups can be done with wreckbags, kettle bells, dumbbells or any other heavy object.

Iron Phoenix Notes:  The first announced workout for next weekends in house competition is:

“Triple 3’s, Div 6”

  • 500m row
  • 800m run
  • 50 double unders

8 minute time cap.


This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. ICA admin

    OLY WOD:
    1) Push Press + Push Jerk + Split Jerk (2+2+1) x5 increasing weight
    2) Muscle Clean 3×5
    3) Clean lift off to below knee + clean from below knee + clean + jerk (2+1+1+1) x5 increasing in weight
    4) Slow clean deadlift from 2″ deficit (100% 1RM clean) no hook grip, no straps
    5) 3 sets of: 10 single DB sit up to shoulder press (do a shoulder press at the top of each sit up), 10 barbell good mornings, 20 inverted bar rows

  2. Iggy


    Mark G – 365
    Alexa C – 230
    Craig H – 135(2×5)165(5×5)
    Faith – 140
    Kelly G – 🙂
    Kevin B – 275
    Nikki K – 205
    Pat M – 🙂
    Rob G – 275
    Tina – 195×2
    Greg B – 300

  3. Kehl

    Iggy 225 (3×10), 255 (3×5) hex
    John C. 265
    Vince 175
    Christine 115
    Chris 155
    Daria 165
    Elissa 205
    Jenn 235
    Ash 205 (singles)
    Ricky 325
    Caine 315
    Mike D. 255×5 (275×1)
    Heather 215
    Danielle 205
    Ed 345 (Sumo 3 Rep PR!)
    Pat 345
    Sigal 275
    Tim 275
    Julia 115

    Quinn 265
    Alex 70#KB
    Kyle 🙂
    Steve 255×2
    Brianna 205
    Ron 🙂
    D.E. 355 (conv)
    Rey 225 (205 w/ -2″)
    Frank 275
    Cindy Sled Drag (75#)
    Andrew 275

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