Daily WOD – Aug 5, 2019

Welcome Sabrina!

Front Squat 1-15-1-10-1-5-1

Event Notes: Click HERE to see the 31Heroes teams and heat times! We can’t wait for Saturday!!!


This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Kelly K

    Teen Program:
    1) Hang power clean 3-3-3-3-3
    2) 21-15-9 reps of hang power cleans, sit ups, lateral plyo skier hops
    3) 5×3 weighted box jumps

  2. Ricky

    Jesse StπŸ™‚
    Hannah 130,55-85
    Greg 140,95
    Bill 155-165,75
    Ceil 130,65,135,75,145,85,150
    Danielle 115,85,125,105,135,115
    Frank N. 165,95
    Jenn 175,115,185,135,-,155,-
    Becca 95,65
    Robin 135,95
    Tyler 175,95,175,105,185,115,185

    DE 255,185,265,185,265,205,265
    Missy 145,85,150,105,155,115,160
    Nicole 130,65,135,75,145,85
    Ed 255,135,265,155,275,185,285
    Craig 135,65,155,95, (185)
    Faith 120 PR!!,65,105,75,110,85,115
    Janet 165 PR!!,95, 170 PR!!,115,135
    Maureen 65,30,65,30,65,40,65
    Iggy 330,185,325,225,320,275,320 (Back squat)
    Sean 195-200,95
    Vince 135,75 (straps)

  3. Steve M.

    Steve M. 275, 185, 285, 210, 290, 240, 290

  4. Boelker

    Sydney 105-75-115-75-120-95-115
    Sean B. 215-155-225-185-235-195-250
    Liz 105-75-115-75-120-95-115
    Alex 145-75-155-95-175-115-180 PR!
    Andrew B. 155-95-*155-105-165-135-200 BS
    Kristen 90-45-90-50-92-60-92
    BWat 125-75-135-95-155-115-165
    Ana 95-50-100-60-105-70-110
    Tanya 185-115-195-135-210-175-225
    Watson 5×10 BS to 18″, 95

  5. Tanya

    Andrew 205,135,215,155,205,185, πŸ™‚
    Zane 175,95,165,115,170,140,180
    Dom 90,50,95,70,105,85,110
    Pete 175,95,165,115,170,140,180
    Kelly G 95,65,95,75,95,80
    Abby 85,55,90,55,90,65,100
    Linda 85,55,90,55,90,65,95
    Allison 135,75,135,85,135,105,135
    Megan 105,75,115,85,125, 105 πŸ™‚
    Jimbo 295,165,305,230,315,265,:) (bs)
    Kelly K 145,95,155,110,165,125,175PR!

    Chris S 125,70,130,85,135,115 πŸ™‚
    Heather 160,75,165,125,170,125,180
    Johnny 155,85,145,105,165,135,165
    Kirsten 100,55,105,75,110,85,115 (No Box PR!)
    Marissa 90,50,93,70,97,85,100
    Patrick 275,155,245,165,-,185,225

    Alexa 145,85,155,95,165,135,175
    Dan T 135,75,155,105,165,135,170
    DT …..math…..190
    Jeff 162.5, 90,167.5,125,175,190PR!
    Nick 155,95,156,115,175,135,185
    Nikki K 145,85,-,95,150,125
    Bob B 275,165,295,215,305,-,-
    Sabrina 145,85,155,95,165,135,175
    Tiago πŸ™‚
    Tim 162.5,90,167.5,125,160 , πŸ™‚
    Robbie πŸ™‚
    Shawn 215PR!
    Erik 155,95,185,115,195,125,205
    Peter L 165X3
    Dan R 180,100,190,140,195,170,215PR!
    Erin 145,105,155,115,160,125,165
    Maggie 100,85,115,105,125,115,135
    Michael C 65/75
    Rob G 245 PR!
    Lombardi 115,85,115,85,125,85,135
    Steph 125
    Ben 180,100,190,140,195,170,215PR!

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