***UPDATE***: We’re opening ICA for Open Gym hours from 3:00 to 7:00 pm. We’ll make the final call on Teen/Youth classes by 5:00 pm.
Given the winter weather forecast (snow expected throughout the morning), classes are canceled for Monday, Jan 6. We’ll assess road conditions and open up for Open Gym when/if it looks safe to do so. Keep your eye on the blog, the Social tab of our app, and/or our ICA Community Facebook group for updates. Today’s previously programmed WOD, Fight Gone Bad, has been moved to Friday!
- Teen and Youth classes are tentatively on for 7:00pm. Please register if you plan to attend so we can gauge interest and make a final decision by 5:00pm.
At-home WOD recommendations!
- Shovel for time
- Sled or walk in the snow for max distance
- AMRAP in 15 minutes of: 10 push-ups, 15 sit-ups, 20 air squats
- Complete the “at-home” version of any Daily WOD from recent weeks