Operation: Pull-Up Domination!

It is that time of the year again – the season of re-committing, resolutions and goal setting! Across our 2025 goals cards, many of you have a pull-up goal. Some are looking for strict, some for kipping, others butterfly. Regardless of your goal, we have a plan to help you get there!

8-Week Strict Pull-Up Program

Starting 2/10, we’re kicking off an 8-week strict pull-up program. This program involves a weekly progression of strict pull-ups (banded, unassisted, or weighted, depending on your starting point). On Day 1 of each week, we’ll post that week’s pull-up rep scheme, and the work should be completed 3-4 days per week (independently / outside of class). Participants should expect to commit ~20 minutes a day, 3-4 days per week, for 8 weeks.

Celeste will hold a 30-minute mini-clinic on Saturday 2/8 @ 11 am, to introduce the program, test your baseline strict pull-up (10 RM), and get you set up with your 8-week progression. If members attended the mini-clinic last year, there is no need to re-attend the strict pull-up day as it will cover the same information.

If you want to improve your strict pull-up capacity, this program is not to be missed! The gainz are real!

Kipping Pull-Up Clinic

In April (date TBD), Celeste will host a 1-hour kipping pull-up clinic. We’ll cover the traditional kip as well as the butterfly kip, helping you develop proficiency and efficiency in these movements.

We strongly recommend that athletes have an unassisted, strict pull-up before starting to learn the kip. (Although it’s not a die-hard prerequisite for attending the kipping clinic.) If you’re still working toward a strict pull-up, we encourage you to complete our supplemental “Upper Body Pulling Strength” program. This program is available on the ICA app year-round! There are 15 total workouts aimed at helping you build strength and stability. Expect to spend ~30 minutes a day, 3 days/week, for 5 weeks. This program can be completed concurrent with the 8-week strict pull-up program, if desired.

I’m in! How do I Sign Up?

All of these pull-up programs are FREE for ICA members!

  • MINI-CLINIC: The Feb 8 “mini-clinic” will be listed in the ICA app soon!
  • 8-WEEK STRICT PULL-UP PROGRAM: Every Monday, starting Feb 10, the weekly pull-up rep scheme will be posted on the ICA app under the Daily WOD. There is no need to sign up! Log your results to let us know you’re participating.
  • KIPPING CLINIC: More info to come… April date TBD.
  • UPPER BODY PULLING STRENGTH PROGRAM: This program is available year-round in the ICA app. It’s listed as a separate track (similar to our Endurance and Olympic WODs). To find it, open the Workouts tab, click on the “1) Workout of the Day” drop-down, and click on “Upper Body Pulling Strength.”

Time to get to work and crush our 2025 goals!


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