Phoenixville Bed Races – 2024

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The Phoenixville Bed Races are upon us once again! Save the date of Nov. 2 to come out, cheer on the ICA team, and donate to a good cause!  Details below:

What the…? The bed races are an annual fundraiser and Phoenixville tradition in which local groups (businesses, teams, friends, etc.) dress in crazy costumes and race beds on wheels down Third Avenue in Reeves Park to raise funds for two local nonprofits that provide shelter for the homeless. Beds are eligible for the three top prizes of Fastest Bed, Best Team Theme, and Most Funds Raised. The day includes the races, kids’ activities, music, great food, and community! For more details on the race and the organizations involved, click here.

Where and when is this awesomeness? This year the race will take place on Saturday, November 2th. Voting for best bed starts at 11:00 am, races start at 12:00, and the event usually wraps up around 2:00 pm. The race takes place at 3rd avenue, along Reeve’s Park.

How can I participate? First thing – we need 4 pushers, 1 driver, and 1-2 alternates. We’ll have try-outs to seek out ICA’s fast pushers! A few requirements:

  1. Be available on Saturday, November 2th from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm.
  2. Be ready to be an ambassador for the ICA community! This means show up with a positive attitude, have fun and compete hard!
  3. Be a current ICA member.
  4. Sign up to meet with John on 10/15 or 10/16, during one of the windows on this spreadsheet. The tryout will be a ~150 meter (out and back) time trial. Be warmed up! (If you can’t make these times, email John at to schedule a try out.)

How else can I get involved? Show up on race day wearing your ICA gear and cheer on our team! If you are able, we’d greatly appreciate donations or your help spreading the word and fundraising: ICA Fundraising Page


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