Football WOD – Mar 10, 2019


Some of the ICA rookies from Friday Night Lights!

Complete 3 cycles of the following:

AMRAP in 4 minutes

  • 6 KB swings (70/53#)
  • 6 push presses (185/115#)
  • 6 lateral burpees over bar

Rest two minutes after each cycle and continue from where you left off.

WOD Notes:  Choose a push press weight that allows you to do at least the first round unbroken. After that, you should not have to go to singles (always 2s or 3s). The bar will be coming from the floor so choose your weight wisely! Compare to 170312.

Schedule Notes: Don’t forget about daylight savings! Clocks “spring forward” tonight.


This Post Has One Comment

  1. Tanya

    Elissa 🙂
    Erin 7+13 (85)
    Megan 10 (#35 kb/55)
    Mike D. 🙂
    Nikki K 7+7 (75, R)
    Tina 6+ (35kb/65)
    Ray Z 6+9 (70kb, R, 135)
    Sydney 7+6 (55)
    Chris S 🙂

    Jason 9+1 (135)
    Jen C 8+12 (75, 35kb)
    Jesse 8 (55, 35kb)
    Jim 5+12 (95, 44kb,R)
    Julie 9+2 (R, 65)
    Kyle 7+8 (95)
    Saritha 🙂
    Tobin 7+12 (75, 26kb)
    Dan T 8+1 (85, 44kb)
    Dan E 5+10 (jerks)
    Jenn T 🙂

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