Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3
5×10 Russian KBS (as heavy as possible)
WOD Notes: Compare to 160713.
Weather Notes: The ICA parking lot is plowed but as of tonight the roads are still not great. Be careful on the way in and watch for frozen puddles in the parking lot!
This Post Has 3 Comments
Tav 435 sumo PR by 30!
Ash 175
Erin 245 PR!
Duris 355
Bob B. 275
Jeff 265
Tim 265
Derek 185
Joe S. 195
Bob K. 340 PR!
Tina 200 PR!
John C. 195
KTS 205 PR!
Pete 245 PR!
Chase 375
Joe B. 245
Jim B. 205
Nat 215
Rayz 345 PR!
Ed 335 PR!
Danielle 205 PR!
PTS 335
Danielle 205 PR!
Curtis 330 PR!
Fili 455 PR!
Elissa 215
Alexa 255 PR!
Sara 90
Erik 335 PR!
Dave W. 225
Rocco (planet) Fitness
i got that money fam