Strongman AMRAP
- Tire flips (big/small)
- Rope climbs
- Keg ground to overhead (135/75#)
- Medball/plate crunches (20 +25# men / 14+15# women)
2 minutes at each station, for 2 full rounds. Rest 30 seconds between stations.
WOD Notes: A medball/plate crunch consists of doing a crunch with a medball held between your ankles and a plate held above your head. Tap the two objects together. We picked up this gem at a strongman competition in May. More explanation to come during class!
Community Notes: It’s about time we revamp our playlist, don’t you think? Please help us out!! If you have recommendations for songs you’d love to work out to, leave a comment with the title/musician/etc. The more the better! We’ll download the new tunes and get you a rocking new playlist soon.
Schedule note: Tomorrow we offer classes at 9:30am and a 6:30pm, in addition to the regular 6:15am, 4:30pm, and 5:30pm. Lots of chances to come WOD!
This Post Has 20 Comments
In for the breakfast club!! This looks fun : )
When you guys were gone we used a free app called Songza that had workout mixes. Sara knows about it, we used it during a few of her classes.
Craig was embarrassed to post it here, but he texted me that some Miley Cyrus is exactly what he needs to crank up the intensity a little more.
Celine Dion. …and Miley Cyrus.
Also, Barry Manilow (Mandy) and Air Supply (All out of love)
It’s katie perry. Dick.
It’s Katy Perry. 🙂
Looks like you’ll have to get your tattoo changed, Craig.
Nice one Mark.
I LOVE Katy Perry! Thanks Craig…how about some country…kidding! Some old school rap would be nice, Wu Tang, Buster, Method Man.
Anyone want to do this one at make up tomorrow with me?
Morning Results:
Matt 77 (75#)
Todd V 109 (105#)
Mario 90 (75#)
Lindsesy 87 (50#)
Jess V 119 (50#, 1st round rope climbs, second round rope pulls+half climbs, 10#)
Cindy 115 (50#, small tire, rope pulls, 10#)
Gunter 105 (75#)
Cari 87 (75# to shoulder)
Jimbo 120 (50#)
Tanner 114 Rx
Barb 112 (small tire, pullups, 50#)
Saturday: 12 rds, partner (6 rds each)
10 – 45# thrusters
15 – kb swings (53#)
20 – DUs
Run 200m
Sunday (beach)
5 rounds
5 burpees, lunge 30 yds, 5 burpees, run backwards (total 50 burpees)
…should have done 10 burpees per station (for total 100 burpees)
Elizabeth – 95# squat cleans/ring dips (dnf…back spasm)
50 mtn climbers
40 DUs
30 burpees
20 kb swings
10 95# thrusters
20 kb swings
30 burpees
40 DUs
50 mtn climbers
Wednesday (my first ICA wod)
70 kb swings
60 burpees
50 – 45# shoulder to overhead
40 DUs
30 sit ups
20 hand release pushups (instead of ring push ups)
10 – 95# bear complex (instead of keg to shoulder)
…wanna do…
50 burpees
1 mile run
50 burpees
100 DUs
75 mtn climbers
50 kb swings
25 burpees
1 mile run
25 burpees
50 kb swings
75 mtn climbers
100 DUs
Brendan looks like he’s making a run for it with the keg!
lol hes going “yoink, mine!”
That was a fun WOD
Stand by… we’ll post results in the AM! Sorry for the delay!
Evening Results
Brendan (climbs/pulls, 75#)
Tiana 82 (105 keg to shoulder)
Korba 98 (105/75#, 14/15#)
John C 89 (climbs/pulls, 14/15#, 50#)
Nick 103 (75#)
Brandy 75 (1/2 rope, 50#)
Chase 83 (105#)
Dani 86 (50#)
Laurie (50#)
Sam 162 (75#)
Peggy 69 (50#, Ltire)
Sarge 85 (1/2 rope, keg to shoulder)
Mike H 97 (50#)
Jerry D 39 (75#, rope pulls)
Phil 123 Rx
Mike S. 76 (105#, climbs/pulls)
Tom 63 (14/15#, 75# shoulder, rope pulls)
Jami ? (rope pulls, 50# shoulder)
Chris C 80 (105#)
Quentin 98 (50#, rope pulls, 12/15#, Ltire)
My overall score was 106.
I just wanna run – the downtown fiction