Daily WOD – Dec 28, 2012
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Great intensity, morning crew!!
Jacki 20:42 (3x, G+Bl, knees), 2:35
Jenn 14:34 (25 JMU, 3x), 2:31
Mario 13:45 RX, 1:33
John 16:58 (3x)
I almost lost my coffee when I seen Mario Rx 1:33!
Jess 14:20 (2x)
Lindsey 15:28 (2x, AM for PU)
Kelly 14:58 (2x, knees, G)
Nikki K. 19:55 (3x, knees, G+P)
Tom S. 19:42 (3x, P)
Jason 7:48 (JMUx2)
Emily 18:55 (3x, knees, LR, G)
Jana 18:37 (3x, G, knees)
Moira 20:42 (3x, RR, knees, 16″)
Sarah H. 17:43 (3x, G, knees)
Jackie 23:48 (2x, knees)
Great pushups from the 9:30 class, keep up the good work!
T 15:22 3x
Nikki 11:08 Rx+ (jump to rings)
Kev 16:00 Rx
Killa 22:26 (15 transitions, 58 pushups)
Craig 21:12 (DC turnout)
Brandy 20:42 (3x, G, knees)
Korba 25:00 (30 pu, 90, 90)
Brendan 20:24 3x
Dan F. 14:42 (30 pullup P, 90, 90)
Phil 16:25 (8MU, 44 strict pullups, ring dips, and GHD)
Laurie 16:55 (2x pu P and pu)
Justin 14:59 (3x)
O’Neill’s Garage
Barb 19:20 (3x smallest band, knees)
Rachel 18:50 (3x ring rows, knees)
John- you were right! My arms/shoulders are in rough shape!!! It was so bad I was not able even signal/wave to a pedestrian to cross the street…..bad news bears!!!
Hey John,
The sub for a 1 muscle up was 3 pull-ups, 3 push-ups and 3 sit-ups right?
Yes sir, but not necessarily in order. You can break it up any way you want.
Congrats Brendan on your first muscle up!!woot woot!!!
Nice job Brendan on your first muscle up! I have to make this up on Thursday.
very cool brendan 🙂 Great job everybody!