Daily WOD – Aug 25, 2012

Ryan Cragle representing O’Neill’s garage!

Banded box back squat 12×2


Dumbbell step ups 3 x 20 (24/20″)

WOD Notes: The banded back squat should be 50-60% of your 1RM back squat. For the DB step ups, you can do all three sets at the same weight, or increase weight slightly set. As a general guideline, the first set should be ~ 25% of your 1RM back squat (total weight).


This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. ICA admin

    Heading into the nutrition challenge we’d like to have our “library” of books re-assembled, so we can loan them out again… If you’ve borrowed a book from us please return it in the next few days. We are missing 2 copies of the Primal Blueprint and one copy of the Paleo Solution. Thanks all!!

  2. Barb

    Go Ryan!
    Barb: no banded squats, just doing 30# on 20″, 30# on 24″, and 50# on 20″

  3. ICA admin


    Cragle 115, P
    Spence 115, P
    Mark F 95, mm
    Matt F 155, P
    Korba 155, P
    Jenn 105, mm
    Tom R 95, mm

    Gunter 95, mm
    Lindsey 105, mm
    Karen 105, mm
    Laurie 95, mf
    Jackie 95, mf
    Kim 95, mf
    Phil 185, P

  4. Cragle

    My first solo ICA pic. Wow! I’m humbled by this occasion. I have a few people to thank … First and foremost, I love like to thank my savior, the ever-powerful, Lord Jesus Christ. Without him, none of this would be possible. I have to thank my wife and daughter for their support through the years. Gotta thank Nikki and John for taking the picture and marking that historical moment in my life. I would like to thank my agent who does all the work behind the scenes and putting up with my ego. I want to thank Mark for inspiring me to write this post. And thank you to all the members of ICA and O’Neill’s Garage, I love you, you are my family. And if my daughter Brooklyn is reading this … well … it would be a miracle ’cause she is only 17 months old. Thank you and God bless.

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