Daily WOD – April 3, 2012

Kev and Killa face off!

In any order, complete for time:

  • 100 sumo deadlift high-pull (95#/65)
  • 100 push press (95#/65)

WOD Notes: For this workout the reps can be completed in any order desired.  You can do 10 sets of 10 of each or do all 100 of one and then the other. Just get the work done, fast!

Compare to: 110808


This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Sarg

    I hope this cold goes away, this is awesome!!

  2. Lindsey

    In for 4:30!!!

  3. Sarg

    …. and i’m still a little sick. i’m going to be smart and plan this for Thursday.

  4. Nikki

    Movements for the South Philly Rumble have been released! Not everything that is on this list will be in the competition, but if it’s NOT on the list then you WON’T see it any of the Rumble WODs. For our 6 athletes competing on the 15th, let us know if you need help brushing up on any of these!

    •Front Squat
    •Overhead Squat
    •Push Press
    •Clean & Jerk
    •Racked Lunge
    •Rope Climb
    •Muscle Up
    •Kipping Pullup
    •Strict Pullup
    •Burpee Pullup
    •Bar Facing Burpee
    •Broad Jump Burpee
    •Strict Ring Dip
    •Strict Handstand Pushup
    •Ring Handstand Pushup
    •Ball Slam
    •Wall Ball Shot
    •Box Jump
    •Kettlebell Swing
    •Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift High Pull
    •Kettlebell Clean
    •Kettlebell Snatch
    •Double Under
    •Buddy Carry
    •Farmer Carry

    1. Kevin

      Glad they narrowed that down some. *Phew*

  5. Nikki

    Emily 15:10 (40#)
    Lindsey 14:16 (50#)
    Tanner 13:49 Rx
    Craig 14:13 Rx
    Kevin 13:17 Rx
    Killa 16:38 Rx
    Nikki 13:38 Rx
    Tiana 17:21 Rx
    Joe 15:34 (85#)
    John C 22:15 (45/35)
    John W 9:44 (65# sumo deadlift & shoulder press)
    Cari 13:52 (55#)
    Laurie 16:45 (50#)
    Mark 11:27 (95# SDHP, 25# dumbbell PP)
    Jimbo 13:02 (85# SDHP, 15# shoulder press)
    Frank 16:34 (75#)
    Chris C 13:59 (75#)
    Nick 19:33 (75#)
    Phil 19:30 (95#)

    1. Sarg

      Nice work guys and gals! No one left to do this on thursday 🙂

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