Daily WOD – Sept 20, 2011

Mark looking strong on the sumo deadlift - PR at 375#!!

Buy in:  “The Baseline”

  • 500m row
  • 40 squats
  • 30 sit ups
  • 20 push ups
  • 10 pull ups


Sumo-Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1-1-1


This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. donkey

    the baseline! woooooooot!

  2. John

    Congrats Nikki, that was a great pic!

  3. Nikki

    Results from today (Baseline / Sumo deadlift)
    John 3:41 Rx / 525 (PR!)
    Nikki 4:57 Rx / 245
    Sarge 7:10 (G) (PR!) / 215 (PR!)
    Dan 6:58 Rx / 335
    Mark 4:24 Rx / 375
    Joe 5:19 Rx (PR by 1 minute!) / 335
    Gunter 5:53 (G) / 245 (form)
    Tom 8:09 Rx / form

    Awesome work today – there were a lot of performances to be proud of! To name a few – John’s PR deadlift at 525lb (monster!)… Sarge’s double-PR day… Mark’s 375 pull… Joe shaving a full minute off his baseline since starting CrossFit 7 weeks ago (!)… and Tom finishing the row part of the baseline in 1:31! Great work by all; it’s awesome to see results like this… Stronger, Faster, Fiercer!

  4. Spence

    O’Neill’s Garage…

    Not a lot of sumo deadlift experience today and no rower, so we made a change

    3 rds of Baseline with 400 m run subbed for row and three minute rest in between rounds.

    Scott- 3:51; 4:33; 5:09
    Brian- 4:05; 4:15; 4:32
    Deirdre- 4:21; 4:28; 4:51
    Barb- 5:57; 6:37; 6:10 (pullups scaled)
    Donna- 6:30; 6:53; 10:33 (pullups and pushups scaled)

    Looking forward to a trip out to Phoenixville next week.

  5. Karen

    Big woot to Tom for no-repping himself to boot!

  6. Karen

    PS- for us noobs- what is the mcneills garage?

  7. Nikki

    Haha, Karen, I was wondering when someone would ask! O’Neill’s Garage is a CrossFIt garage gym in Glenside. Back when John lived in Abington, he ran a CrossFit garage gym with a bunch of his coworkers — it was known as “John’s Garage.” When he moved to Phoenixville, a rocking teacher (Barb O’Neill) let the garage members move the gym equipment to her home — so it’s now O’Neill’s garage! It’s a bunch of Abington HS teachers who CrossFit and take names. They recently started following ICA programming, so we’re encouraging them to post results for us to see. They’re hoping to visit Phoenixville a few times a month to throw down with us! Back in July they were our first visitors… check out this old post:

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