“Fight Gone Bad”
- Push press (75/55#)
- Row (cal)
- Wall ball (20/14# to 10/9′)
- Sumo deadlift high pull (75/55#)
- Box jump (20/16″)
WOD Notes: This is our first benchmark WOD of 2019! Benchmarks are workouts that we repeat to show our progress over time. Below is a schedule of planned benchmarks for 2019. (We’ll likely add some others but will do these at a minimum). Compare FGB to 180123.
- January: Fight Gone Bad & The Baseline
- February: Jackie & Isabel
- March: Diane & Angie
- April: Karen & Nate
- May: Grace & Murph
- June: Fran & 1 Mile Run
- July: Kelly & Nasty Girls
- August: 200 Burpees & Nancy
- September: Diane & 5k Run
- October: Karen & The CrossFit Total
- November: Grace & Cindy
- December: Fran & DT
Event Notes: Mark your calendars for these upcoming dates!
1/8 (Tuesday) – Goal setting workshop in all classes. We’ll take the first (or last) 10 minutes of class to help you set up your fitness goals for 2019! Come in with some ideas, and we’ll help you refine them. Most athletes choose between 5-10 goals per year. Some should be easier and some should be harder.
1/11 (Friday) – ICA Ladies’ night, 7:00 pm. Rachel Miller from Empower Physical Therapy will be here to talk to us about core & pelvic floor considerations for the female athlete. The event is free and guests are welcome. Light refreshments will be provided; BYO wine/beer/other adult beverage. Email Nikki at ironcrossathletics@gmail.com to register.
1/19 (Saturday) – ICA In-House Power Meet and annual Chili Cook Off!! (All regular classes are cancelled.) Free for all ICA members on a 2x/week or unlimited membership. We’ll have a separate post on this event in the next few days. Stay tuned!
2/16 (Saturday) – Valentine’s Day partner WOD. Bring a friend for free to our 7:30, 8:30, or 9:30 classes! If you and your partner are both members, only one of you needs to sign up. If you don’t have a partner, we’ll pair you up the day of! Please have your guest fill out a waiver in advance: HERE.
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Boelker 125, 105, 99 (329) Rx
Bob B. 80, 63, 54 (197) Rx
Tobin 79, 63, 67 (209) (10#)
Luke 🙂
Patrick 110, 80, 70 (260)
Mel 78, :-), 🙂
Andrew 105, 68, 75 (248) Rx
Ben 81, 60, 62 (203) (65, 14#, 20″)
Zabs 100, 82, 80 (262) Rx
Pat 🙂
Blake 100, 87, 63 (250) Rx
Jami :-), 64, 61
DT 77, 63, 63 (203)
Shawn 102, 90, 100 (292) Rx
Laura 81, 67, 65 (213) (45#, 10#, 16″)
Emma 🙂
Moira 107, 100, 101 (308) (strap pull, 20# KB sumo)
Ray F. 🙂
Keith 87, 75, 65 (227) Rx
Chris 🙂
Sydney 74, 74, 56 (204)
Elissa 116, 94, 85 (295) Rx
Erik 92, 80, 74 (246)
Dave 99, 75, 71 (245)
Alex W 95, 75, 78 (248)