Daily WOD – Feb 24, 2018

Steve K. locking out a heavy dead from the power meet!
Steve K. locking out a heavy dead from the power meet!

Clean 1-1-1-1-1-1


10 minutes to find 1 rep max pistol

WOD Notes:  Compare to 170218.


This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. ICA admin

    Oly WOD:
    1) Snatch 1-1-1-1
    2) Clean and Jerk 1-1-1-1
    3) 5 minutes partner interval 5 power snatches (60% 1RM snatch)
    4) rest 5 minutes, then partner interval 5 power clean and jerks (60% 1RM C&J)

  2. ICA admin

    John 305
    Tom S. 185
    Sigal 180 PR!
    Elissa 170 PR!
    Vollmer :0
    Ash 130 PR!
    Janet :0
    Sillup 215
    Caine 215
    Nicole 85 x a lot
    Danielle 90
    Tim 135
    Ed 175 PC
    Dan E. 270 PR! +20
    Kevin 205
    TIna 110 PR!
    Nikki K. 110
    Betsy 55 x a lot

    Nikki 180
    Marla 150
    Jenn 175
    Luke M. 155
    Luke L. 155
    Marissa W. 75
    Chris M. 175
    Tobin 115
    Joe 155
    John C. 155
    Robbie 255 PR1
    Andrew 175
    Frank W. 205
    Cindy 80
    Julia 70
    Christine 85

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