Push Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
30 knee jump box jumps (30/24″ NFT)
WOD Notes: Today we are going to focus on a strict push jerk which means there is no front-to-back splitting of the legs. The push jerk is usually a slightly lower weight than your split jerk. Compare to your 2RM on 120908, or your 1RM on 120509.
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Mickey 225 PR!, 24
Paul 140, 24
Jenn 130 PR!, 24
Lindsey 125 PR!, DJ 24
Nick V. 170, DJ 20
Kim D. 100, DJ 16
Sara R. 90, 20
Jacki 125, DJ 20
Matt C. 245 PR!, 24
Moira 40, DJ 16
Ginger 85, DJ 18
Caba 155, DJ 32
Killa 150, BHE
Jackie T. 105, 16
Korba 225 PR!, 32″
Joel 135, DJ 24
Natalie 130 PR!, DJ 16
Peggy 75, DJ 18
Nikki K. 70, DJ 16 — First time to 16″!
Kim H. 105, 20
Kelly 100, 20
Garrett 215, 32
Rick 155, 24
Rey 160, 32
Brendan 155, 32
Jimbo 180, 24
Tom M. 115 Form, 20
Jerry 155 PR!, DJ 24
Ryan 205, 32
Sarge 135, DJ 24
Chase 210 PR!, 24″
Kenneth 145, DJ 24
Tom F. 205 PR!, DJ 24
Levy 225, 20″
Emily L. 95, 12″
Phil 265 PR!, 32″
Impressive numbers tonight!
Laurie 105, DJ 24″
Vic 185, dj 32″+
Brian 185, Rx+
Tom P. 175 24/32″
Mike R. 175, 24/32″+
Mel 85 DJ, 20
Dan 225, 24/32″
Joanne 35(f), DJ 16″
O’Neill’s garage
Barb 75 (form)
Cragle 185
Scott 165 (form)