Daily WOD – Feb 16, 2013

Welcome Sajan! (and nice face Garrett!)
Welcome Sajan! (and nice face Garrett!)

Snatch grip deadlift 2-2-2-2-2-2


4×20 banded good mornings NFT

WOD Notes:  The deadlifts should be touch and go meaning the bar just barely touches the ground.  A re-grip is not allowed between reps.

Today is a day to celebrate the foundation of the gym!  Because of you, ICA is in its 2nd year and going strong.  I love the days when you suddenly realize the impact you have had on a member’s life without knowing it.  You will likely never fully understand the impact you have had on so many and what seems to you an average day helps others feel better both inside and out.  You are an inspiration to the nearly 100 people who come in to the gym you built on a regular basis and we appreciate your dedication to all of us.  Your strength helps me work harder in the gym and keeps me going in our hectic (but wonderful) life.  I couldn’t ask for a more perfect wife and mother of our child.  I love  you so much.
                                                                                Happy Birthday Nikki!!!
nikki lift
nikki w
You are a perfect combination of power and beauty.

This Post Has 36 Comments

  1. Phil

    yessss! awesome post

    Happy birthday Nikki!!

  2. Chamberlain

    Happy Birthday Nikki!!! Wow John, that’s an impressive Birthday message to our “Founding Mother” of Iron Cross Athletics!

  3. Mar

    All of this is BEYOND true! Happy birthday!!!

  4. Lindsey

    Happy Birthday Nikki!! What a wonderful Birthday message!!! You are a fabulous person, coach and soon to be mom!!Have a wonderful day!!

  5. Jenn

    Happy birthday, Nikki!!! What a beautiful birthday message that truly reflects Nikki!!! Enjoy your day, mama!!

  6. Kim

    Happy birthday Nikki!! Hope it’s great! Beautiful birthday message, John.

  7. Bryan

    Read the message out loud to Mar….she cried.


  8. Mar

    Yes, it’s true I shed a tear. It was a lovely message!

  9. T

    That was an amazing message! You two truly are amazing people 🙂
    Happy birthday Nikki!! Enjoy every second of it!!
    P.S. I cried too Mar!

  10. Jacki

    So sweet…Happy Birthday Nikki!!!

  11. Sabol

    Excellent post John! Happy Birthday Nikki!

    1. Craig

      Yup. Crying too.

  12. Tom P

    Happy Birthday Nikki! Hope you have a great day and find some time to relax.

  13. Nick

    Aww! Great post. Happy Birthday Nikki!!!

  14. Brendan

    Happy birthday Nikki! Awesome post John!

  15. Natalie

    Happy Birthday Nikki!!! That was a very sweet message John

  16. Sara R.

    Happy Birthday Nikki! Have a wonderful day!

  17. Jerry D.

    Happy Birthday Nikki!! Beautiful post John and congratulations to you both. You will be awesome parents.

  18. Katie

    Happy Birthday Nikki! I had tears, so sweet! Enjoy your day, find some time to put your feet up and relax mama!

    1. Mel

      So sweet!! Happy happy birthday Nikki!

  19. Marissa

    Happy birthday Nikki!! So sweet John!

  20. Barb

    Happy Birthday Nikki! Don’t forget about your life time membership here at the OG.We miss you guys like crazy.

    1. ICA admin

      Want to get out there soon… as soon as the weather warms up 😉 We still have to do the ICA/garage throw down!!

  21. Justin

    Amazing birthday message, John! I may recruit you to help me write a love note to my girlfriend sometime, haha. Happy birthday Nikki! Thanks for all that you do to make our lives better.

  22. ICA admin

    Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone! And for the birthday burpees… it’s 31 for those of you who couldn’t make it in today… I expect you do to them at home 🙂

    Results from today

    Jess 125
    JackieB 145
    Joel 215
    Tom M 205
    Levy 345
    Emily 115
    Garrett 345
    Jackie T 105
    Mel 115
    Sajan 195
    Anna 115
    Rey 225
    Jacki 155
    Moira 55

    Sara R 145
    Amy 115
    Nikki W 195
    Peggy 95
    Sarge 175
    Laurie 175
    Jerry 235
    Phil 295
    Paul 185

    Mar 155
    Chloe 145
    Bryan 255
    John W 295

  23. Emily

    Happy Birthday Nikki!! You are amazing!

    1. Jess V

      Happy Birthday Nikki! Have a great time tonight!

  24. Killa

    Kev and I are saving the burpees until free our NYC date night dinner, haha well maybe! Happy birthday Nikki, we love you so much! =) Killa & Kev

  25. Kim H.

    Happy birthday Nikki. Best wishes in the year to come!

  26. Killa

    *free = after (in iPhone terms) 😉

  27. Ginger

    Aww that was so sweet! Happy birthday Nikki!

  28. jimbo

    Happy Birthday Nikki! Props on the awesome post John. Thanks Nikki for putting up with all my antics(turning the radio up too loud and being a generally loud person all the time.) Have a great day!

  29. grans

    Wow, awesome John! Happy Birthday Nikki, miss you guys! -grans

  30. Laurie Kenderdine

    Read your post again and got goose bumps…again. Have a wonderful birthday, Nikki! You and John are such an amazing couple and I can’t wait to see you as parents.

  31. Nick V

    Happy birthday, Nikki! And John, really nicely said.

  32. gunter

    Happy Birthday Nikki!

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