Daily WOD – Jan 12, 2020
Complete 5 rounds for time of: 20 Russian kettlebell swings (70/53#) 20R/L Russian twists (25/15#) 150m farmer’s carry (25/15# plate each hand) WOD Notes: Choose the heaviest KB that you can swing 20 times unbroken…
Complete 5 rounds for time of: 20 Russian kettlebell swings (70/53#) 20R/L Russian twists (25/15#) 150m farmer’s carry (25/15# plate each hand) WOD Notes: Choose the heaviest KB that you can swing 20 times unbroken…
Complete 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of: Push presses (95/65#) Box jumps (24/20" WOD Notes: Pick a weight that allows you to do the first round of 21 push presses in no more than 2 sets.…
Complete 5 rounds for time of: 7 sumo deadlifts (65% 1RM) 7 strict pull ups 7 box jumps (AHAP) WOD Notes: AHAP = as high as possible. Good jumpers should be thinking 36/30"! Community Notes: …
Complete 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time of: Thrusters (135/95#) Toes to bar WOD Notes: Compare to 181104. Community Notes: Happy Birthday Ceil!
Take 10 minutes to find your max 1-arm dumbbell split snatch (left & right) Then Complete 5 rounds for max reps of: 40 seconds dumbbell power snatch - right arm (50/35#) 20 seconds rest 40…
Complete 4 rounds for time of: 10 Deadlifts (~65-70% 1RM) 15 Ring dips 250m Sprint Rest 2 minutes after each round. WOD Notes: Compare to 191021. Schedule Notes: Community yoga at 11:15; bring a friend!
EMOM for 12 minutes of: 5 burpees over bar 4 power cleans (155/105#) 3 push jerks (155/105#) WOD Notes: If you fall off the pace (unable to complete the round in a minute), finish the…
Complete 5 rounds of 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off: Row (1 cal = 1 rep) Lateral burpees over bar Thrusters (135/85#) WOD Notes: Compare to 180909. Nutrition Note: Sugar 201. How does your body…
Complete 12, 9, 6, 3 reps for time of: Power cleans (185/115#, NTE 75%) Strict pull ups Evil wheels WOD Notes: The power cleans should be heavy enough that you need to drop every rep.…
Complete 5 intervals, each for time, of: 20/15 cal row 10 bench press (70% 1RM) WOD Notes: Work in groups of 2 or 3. For a team of 2, this will be "partner interval" style.…