Daily WOD – Jun 1, 2012


Mike S. with a fast transition

Hang Power Snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1-1


AMRAP in 8 minutes of:

  • 200m run
  • 15 hang power snatches (50% 1RM)

WOD Notes:  AMRAP in 8 minutes means you will have 8 minutes to complete as many rounds as possible of the two movements.   The score is total rounds completed.


This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Roydan

    Will this cure my sore glutes?? !!! LOL if yes am in !

  2. Cari Evelyn

    finished the metcon at my gym.. i had to row and honestly, wished i could have ran!! believe it or not. anyway, 3 complete rounds and the row of round 4. this was tougher than i anticipated!

  3. Nikki

    Roydan – I can’t promise it will cure them… but I can promise it wont make them any worse!! Haha.

    Results from breakfast club
    Cindy 50, 4 rds (25#)
    Lindsey 75, 3+run+2 (40#)
    Emily 60, 3 + 1/2 run (35#)
    Kim 65, 3 + run (35#)
    Scott 125, 3 (65#)
    Matt 110, 3+run+5 (55#)
    Cari 90, 3+run (45#)

    Awesome job this morning – you guys were really using those hips and putting up some great numbers! Matt and Cindy, outstanding intensity during the metcon today…

  4. John

    Wow, some solid numbers by the morning crew!

  5. Mike V.

    165. I definitely feel more comfortable pulling these off the floor than I did off the hang.

    Instead of the metcon, I subbed “Nate” which I wasn’t able to get to a week or so ago. 12 +4.

  6. Nikki

    Nikki 110, 55 (4 rds+run)
    Laurie 70, 35 (3 rds+run) PR!
    Brandy 55, 35 (3 rds+run)
    Miranda 105 (hang squat snatch), 50 (3+2)
    Craig 185, 95 (4 rds)
    Nick 95, 45 (4rds+run)
    Mike S. 135, 75 (3rds+2 snatches)
    Dani 70, 35 (3rds+4 snatches)
    Chase 120, 65 (3rds +run)
    Roydan 110, 55 (4rds)
    Dan 145, 75 (3rds +1/2 run)
    Phil 170 (175 floor), 85 (3 rds) PR!
    Krista 60, 35 (3rds)
    John W. 215, 50# axle (5rds +4) PR!
    Mike H. 75, 40 (3 rds +run)

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