Open Gym – Aug 9, 2018

Come in between 4:30 and 7:00 for open gym.  You can work on anything you’d like, including a workout from the last week:

  1. Front Squats 3×8 (70%) then row 750m for time.
  2. AMRAP in 15 minutes of: 3 hang power cleans (185/125#), 10 toes to bar, 20 wallballs (20/14# to 10/9′)
  3. Complete 10 rounds for time of: 3 power snatches (135/95#), 7 burpee box jumps (24/20″)
  4. Complete 2 rounds for time of: 150 double unders, 50 thrusters (45/35#), 25 pull ups
  5. Deadlift 4×8 (70%) then complete NFT 50 banded good mornings, 50 evil wheels
  6. Complete 4 rounds of 1 minute at each station of: box jumps, DB snatches (50/35#), wallballs (20/14# to 10/9′), shuttle runs

Community Notes: Happy Birthday to Curtis and Tom S!


This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. ICA admin

    CrossFit Endurance WOD:
    With a partner complete:
    – Row 5k
    – Run 5k

    Two people work at a time until one of the movements is completed. Then work one at a time until the remaining station is done. For the purposes of this WOD, 13x 400m will add up to the 5k.

  2. Tanya

    Chris M and Sam – 29:04
    Emma and Jen C. – 35:05
    Faith and Missy – 30:00

  3. Hero Thursday

    In honor of Navy Petty Officer 1st Class Jeff Taylor, 30, of Little Creek, VA who was killed in Afghanistan.


    21-15-9 reps of:
    Handstand push-ups
    Ring dips

    1. rocco

      did JT last week in open gym. trcieps were blown up.

  4. Erik

    Happy Birthday Curtis and Tom

    1. Curtis Wasilchick

      Thanks. No burpees for me today. Whew!

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