Daily WOD – Apr 18, 2012

Matt loves deadlifts, even at 6:15am

Rack pulls 8×1 @ 90% of your 1 RM deadlift. Control the descent.


5 rounds for time of

  • 10 pushups
  • 20 double unders

WOD Notes: Compare metcon to 111025.  Find your last deadlift max on 120201. A rack pull is a deadlift with a shorter range of motion.  The bar starts off resting on plates or boxes or something that elevates the starting position.  It should be easier than a conventional deadlift.


This Post Has 14 Comments

  1. Lindsey

    In for the bfast club!

  2. Emily Croce

    Me 2!

  3. Nicole

    I believe I’m in. 🙂

  4. Alison

    Count me in too.

  5. Nikki

    Breakfast club results:
    Matt 285, 2:40 (40 SU)
    Cari 165 (5×2, two 45# plates), 3:29 Rx
    Lindsey 195, 5:15 (5 pushups, 10 DU)
    Emily 145, 4:32 (knees, 40 SU)

    Great work to the early bird crew! When you lift heavy in the morning, you know it’s gonna be a good day!

  6. Laurie

    Bummer, I’m gonna miss this one. I’m also out tomorrow. 🙁

  7. barb

    Still here…
    Barb 180#, 6:43 Rx
    Well, I probably wormed it on the pushups and I’m sure the deadlifts had stripper written all over it and I took them from a 45# plate on each side( hope I did that right) …I think I need a gym with people….?

    1. Nikki

      Barb we also raised our bars on 45# plates. Good guess! Where are your garage peeps?!

    2. Sarg

      aw, Barb… where’s the garage? i will come keep you company.

  8. tanner

    We need someone Manning the grill so we have steaks for after the wods. Not a fan of these protein shakes!!

    1. Sarg

      that sounds awesome but it’d be hard to WOD with the smell of steak wafting in.

  9. Nikki

    Tonight’s Results:
    Craig 385, 3:25 Rx
    Tanner 385, 3:29 Rx
    Tiana 225, 4:15 (5 pu)
    Jimbo 275, 3:51 Rx
    Killa 215, 4:37 Rx
    Chris C 310, 3:11 Rx
    Karen 195, 5:20 (5 pu)
    Mike K. 245, 4:55 Rx
    Nick 245, 5:37 Rx
    Chris R. 245, 4:57 (40 su)

  10. MJ

    Couldn’t deadlift at home, but did the 5 rounds – 6:38 RX. My pushups were ugly…sad. Is anyone attending the Ninja Wod on Saturday?

  11. Mark

    Haha, Tanner, I like the idea!

    Hope to be back tomorrow…would like to try this one…light.

    Welcome back Mike K!

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